Do you really believe that GM foods pose no risk to you?

As I ponder the possibility that Prop 37 might not pass now that the big 6 chemical companies have spent upwards $30Million to create fear amongst the voters, it is clear to me that we are too susceptible to what we see and hear in the mainstream media (TV, Radio, Print).   It’s also clear that many Americans lack any semblance of ethics.   I realize that’s a pretty bold statement but I’ll stand behind it all day long.  I can provide a litany of examples on a daily basis where the ‘me first’ mentality blocks any reasonable approach to doing the… Read More

Who really should ‘fear’ Prop 37

Whose afraid of Prop 37??  Well it’s clear that Monsanto, Dow, and a few others are frightened to death.   They’ve brought this upon themselves though, so we shouldn’t feel too bad for them.  It’s great that leadership in some of these companies is old school and hasn’t yet learned their lessons from the tobacco industry.   No way that negative information doesn’t leak out in this day and age.  Thank you Google! Yahoo! Netscape! AOL! and all of the others.  Add in Twitter and Facebook and we know almost instantly when these companies are trying to play games with us.   It’s… Read More

Trying to understand what’s important about Prop 37

I’m voting YES on Prop 37.  Am I biased working for a natural foods company?  Probably yes, but not in the manner you might think.  As anyone who knows me, I don’t just do something for the sake of doing something.   Discerning fact from fiction in the genetically modified foods arena is difficult since research is truly limited, especially as it relates to human impacts.  No, I’m biased because of my personal experiences with these foods and what has happened since I found ways to limit their intake in to my body.  What is particularly relevant to me is that… Read More

GMO’s – mankind’s not so great idea

Five years ago, I had no idea about genetically modified organisms (GMO) and what it means in regards to the food we eat.  I do now and do whatever I can to avoid foods grown or produced using any GM seeds.  This is significantly more difficult than you think once you realize the scope of the use of GMO’s in food.  Just see this link, [link] The efforts of Monsanto and other companies to muddy the waters is very similar to the efforts of Big Tobacco in releasing information only when it’s favorable to their position.  Monsanto, the largest of… Read More

Memorial Day; Summer Coming

It was funny walking into the office today.  Clearly, the weather has improved everyone’s moods as it is simply beautiful outside in Santa Cruz and it looks to stay that way for a bit.   I think everyone is looking forward to Memorial Day Weekend as well.  Just want to make sure that we reflect on those that have served and died as members of our Armed Forces.  Whether you agree or disagree with any of the decisions made by our Commander’s in Chief over the last 200 + years, those that actually carried out their orders and made the ultimate… Read More

Earth Day 2012 – new possibilities, greater challenges

What do we see in our minds as we look out over the next 20 years?  The next 50? How is the planet as we know it going to change in this short period?   MIT has just predicted social and economic collapse as early as 2030.  That’s only 18 years away! Let’s hope that things aren’t that dire, but even if the prediction is off by years the impact by humans on the planet’s resources is without question.  Swelling populations, an emerging global middle class, and the resulting basic needs AND material desires have begun to seriously impact the global… Read More

Eating better even more important now

As we move further into the 21st Century we’re realizing that cheap fuel is essentially gone, as is cheap labor.  These two pressures alone will impact our food bills in the very near future.    For many, an extra $10 in the gas tank is $10 less to spend on food.  The possibility becomes eating foods that cost less and often have nutritional shortcomings.  Let’s not let that become a choice for any of us.  The benefits of eating healthier foods far outweigh any tangible fiscal benefit by a large margin and reducing the chance of long term health costs associated… Read More

We know we’re going to snack at the holidays – snack smarter with SunRidge Farms

It’s upon us.  Thanksgiving is right around the corner and the holiday season is about to hit full force.  The calorie fest of the next 6 weeks is our annual rite leading to the wonderful New Years resolutions that often are as fleeting as windless day on the ocean.   Regardless, we do it each year because we finally get to see family and friends ( for real, not on video chat ) and can reengage and renew our substance as vibrant beings.  Food and drink bring a sense of comfort and well being as we share our time with others… Read More

Hetch Hetchy – Yosemite without the crowds

I’ve visited Yosemite National Park 18 times since coming to California in 1988.  It wasn’t until this past week that my family and I took the ‘road less traveled’ and entered the park via Evergreen Road about 30 minutes outside of Groveland, CA on Hwy 120.  The winding 8 mile drive into the park is beautiful, pine laden National Forest land interspersed with a 2 mile stretch of private land with striking meadows.  As you pass the Evergreen Lodge on your left, remind yourself that this is where dinner is after your hike ( more on this later ).  Just… Read More

Training ourselves to buy bulk – the ‘How To’ guide

This is a previous article that has relevance at Earth Day so here you go! Buying in bulk is not everyone’s cup of tea.  Convenience, storage, excellence in packaging, great colors, emerging technology, and strong marketing have led to incredible advances in how products are delivered, displayed, and eventually purchased by us.  Concerns over theft, loss, breakage, and spoilage also impact retailer decisions regarding the implementation of bulk purchasing.  Add in the Costco approach to bulk purchasing and it’s no wonder that bulk buying can be confusing by appearing to be more expensive ( how many 9V batteries did I… Read More

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