Should you be concerned about GMO foods?

Up until a few years ago I had no idea what  Genetically Modified Organisms were and how the food we consume each day may or may not be genetically modified but that it was becoming more and more likely that at least some of what I was eating was, in fact, GMO.  With awareness comes concern.  There are studies that claim to substantiate how safe these foods are; there are an equal number that come to a different conclusion.  Clearly a majority of the ‘safe’ studies have been funded by the biotech companies themselves or groups with a vested interest… Read More

Backpacking and SunRidge Farms

June 1 rolled around on the calendar and thoughts of dusting off the pack and gear have started crossing my mind.  Sierra Nevada snowpack is still at record levels which means that the high country will be a bit tougher to get to but that water will be abundant and wild flowers will be in bloom until the end of July in many spots.  One thing about backpacking, at least for me, is that I’m not a minimalist.  Going ultra light is a fine practice but if I’m only out for 2 or 3 days I’m going to eat like… Read More

Confused by what is Organic or All Natural? You are not alone.

The food industry moves so fast now that it often overwhelms the consumer and front line retail workers. The purchase of a brand by a major food conglomerate and subsequent ingredient change often is missed by the buyers of these products. Trying to ensure that the label is consistent with the true source of the ingredients is a tedious process but absolutely necessary. Manufacturers do a great job of that but don’t necessarily do as great a job of ensuring that this information makes its way to the distributors and/or buyers who may be unaware that the product they’ve been… Read More

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