GMO debate rages on…no clear answer in sight…or is there?

It appears that Washington State voters weren’t prepared to be the labeling initiators for GMO foods.  I-522 currently trails in the voting results that have been announced so far and it’s unlikely that further returns will be enough to pass the measure.   While disappointing to those of us who vigorously support labeling of GMO’s, we have to realize how far we’ve come in making people aware of the concerns of GMO’s in a relatively short time and that this is when those that are concerned must reach deep and continue to push.  Having closely observed both the California and Washington… Read More

How much time is adequate for human safety trials?

Recently Monsanto and other chemical companies created a website that is supposed to ‘clear the air’ about Genetically Modified Organisms.  This new ‘transparency’ is an attempt at making these products easy to understand and to minimize any possibility that these foods might actually be detrimental to the human body.  However, the PR firm hired to create this website so far has yet to be identified.  Transparency??   Perhaps this PR firm is actually afraid of being identified, perhaps not…yet it stands to reason that fear of being associated publicly with Monsanto might not be so good for business. So what does… Read More

Do you really believe that GM foods pose no risk to you?

As I ponder the possibility that Prop 37 might not pass now that the big 6 chemical companies have spent upwards $30Million to create fear amongst the voters, it is clear to me that we are too susceptible to what we see and hear in the mainstream media (TV, Radio, Print).   It’s also clear that many Americans lack any semblance of ethics.   I realize that’s a pretty bold statement but I’ll stand behind it all day long.  I can provide a litany of examples on a daily basis where the ‘me first’ mentality blocks any reasonable approach to doing the… Read More

Who really should ‘fear’ Prop 37

Whose afraid of Prop 37??  Well it’s clear that Monsanto, Dow, and a few others are frightened to death.   They’ve brought this upon themselves though, so we shouldn’t feel too bad for them.  It’s great that leadership in some of these companies is old school and hasn’t yet learned their lessons from the tobacco industry.   No way that negative information doesn’t leak out in this day and age.  Thank you Google! Yahoo! Netscape! AOL! and all of the others.  Add in Twitter and Facebook and we know almost instantly when these companies are trying to play games with us.   It’s… Read More

GMO’s – mankind’s not so great idea

Five years ago, I had no idea about genetically modified organisms (GMO) and what it means in regards to the food we eat.  I do now and do whatever I can to avoid foods grown or produced using any GM seeds.  This is significantly more difficult than you think once you realize the scope of the use of GMO’s in food.  Just see this link, [link] The efforts of Monsanto and other companies to muddy the waters is very similar to the efforts of Big Tobacco in releasing information only when it’s favorable to their position.  Monsanto, the largest of… Read More

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