Opponents of 37 spending almost $1 Million per day to defeat measure

Let’s think about this.  Six of the largest chemical companies are spending almost $1M per day to defeat Prop 37.  That’s six board of directors and management teams ( a total of maybe 200 people ) trying to manipulate a piece of legislation that impacts the 8th largest economy in the world.  Whether or not the safety of GM foods concerns you, the idea that we would let such a small group of companies ( none based in California ) have this much influence over our food supply should be a concern.  Support for 37 has declined a bit due… Read More

Vote YES on PROP 37

The following advertisement is from the UK and produced by Monsanto regarding labeling requirements now required – “Recently you may have noticed a label appearing… to inform you about the use of biotechnology in food. Monsanto fully supports UK food manufacturers and retailers in their introduction of these labels. We believe you should be aware of all the facts before making a purchase.” Exactly what is going on then in California?   The lack of ethics exhibited by that company is absolutely amazing…and they want us to trust them?  How? No matter what rhetoric you are being fed over the airways,… Read More

DDT Doctor Caught Misrepresenting Stanford AGAIN

It’s clear how it works.  If you wave enough money around, you can skirt the facts to try and sway public opinion.  The opponents of Prop 37 have this history and it’s clear they have no ethics.  Can people really live with themselves when they sell the human race short in order to make money??  It’s not a rational trade and it’s disappointing.  Let’s not let fear and lies get in the way of providing a simple way for people to choose the foods they want to eat.  Let’s label our foods correctly!  Please VOTE YES on 37! DDT Doctor… Read More

UCLA Biologist claims Prop 37 anti-science

What I can’t figure out is how anyone can make out Prop 37 as ‘anti-science’?   IF the scientific data presented by Monsanto, Dow, and DuPont was ‘actual and rigorous’ science then most of us having issues with GM foods either wouldn’t ( because the foods are actually safe ) or would ( because the foods aren’t safe ).  The fact is simply that the ‘science’ produced by these companies does not meet basic standards for controls; is not independently funded.  No controls and self funded?  That’s not science. Therefore, being against PROP 37 isn’t anti-science whatsoever.   What we want is… Read More

What will you do to support the revolution?

The day is fast approaching! November 6 is three weeks away and it’s time to engage our neighbors and spread the word about the need for food labeling and the passage of PROP 37. Let’s not let the chemical companies control our foods. Please VOTE YES on 37. Here’s another good article on the ‘people’s food revolution’ – [link]

National Bulk Foods Week is here!

This week is National Bulk Foods Week.  Please visit your local grocer and see what they are doing to celebrate.  If your grocer doesn’t have a bulk section, have them visit our site or the Bulk is Green Council to find out how to include bulk food sets for their customers.  See the ‘bulk sets’ slide show here – [link]

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